Friday, June 20, 2008


Little Internet Marketing Tips

by Simon Crimmins

If you want to sell anything online you need to know something about it. Too many people try to promote products that they don't know anything about. Because of this 99% of them fail and the other 1% are just running on pure luck.

If you are serious about getting the most out of promoting products online you need to learn about the subject that your product is based on otherwise when people ask you about that product you won't be able to answer them.

Before you jump straight into promoting your product there are a few things you should think about.

1. If you don't have a website, you need to think about building one and how to reach your target audience.

2. If you do already have a website, Is your current website going to work with the type of product you are trying to promote. (It is no good having a website about computers if your are going to be promoting products about dog grooming)

3. If you have only just built your website, you will need to figure out how to get people to your website so that they can see your products.

4. This one is important. Know your limits in terms of your financial budget. To-many people overspend trying to promote their products online. Chances are if you are a newbie you will not have a high budget.

5. Always try to find people and websites similar to your own. It is a good way to know what your competition is doing. This will help you when trying to improve your own internet marketing campaign.

6. Forums. These are the best thing since sliced bread when it comes to finding information about your subject. Post questions, answer questions. This simple technique will help solidify you as an expert on your chosen subject.

7. Get yourself a BLOG. Blogs at the moment are one of the biggest promoting tools around. It is a good thing that allows you to post just about any content, and gives viewers a chance to post their thoughts about what you have written. One of the most commonly used Blogs at the moment is which is run by Google.

8. Youtube. Yes I said Youtube. Using video to promote your product has become big business over the past 2 or 3 years. It gives your potential customers a chance to see your product without having to read long descriptions about how good your product is.

9. This is the most important thing you need to think about. Get yourself a mailing list. Very few people who actually visit your site will come back for a second visit. If you can build an email list and get people to signup to it you will always be able to promote products without them having to come back to your site to see what's new.

Everything I have listed above is just to give you something to think about. Your Internet Marketing campaign is going to take you to all kinds of highs and lows unless you take the time to think things through.


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