Monday, April 19, 2010
"Barang siapa berwuduk dengan membaguskan wuduknya, maka keluarlah dosa-dosanya dari kulitnya sampai dari kuku jari-jemarinya"
(HR : Muslim)
Wuduk yang sempurna disertakan niat yang jelas pasti dirahmati Allah.Insyallah kita akan dapat melakukan solat dgn khusyuk dan diterima Allah. Banyak hikmahnya berwuduk disertakan dgn niat kerana ia sangat berguna didunia dan diakhirat juga
"Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa mulut dan lidahku ini"
Kerana setiap hari tanpa kita sedari, kita kadangkala bercakap perkara yg tidak berfaedah dan dengan niat sedemikian , kita tidak lagi memperkatakan sesuatu yg tidak membawa kebaikan.
"Ya Allah, putih dan serikanlah wajah ku di akhirat kelak, janganlah Kau hitamkan muka ku ini"
Ahli syurga, wajah mereka berseri2 dan semoga kita tergolong di kalangan mereka
"Ya Allah, berikanlah hisab-hisabku di tangan kanan ku ini"
Ahli syurga diberikan hisabnya di tangan kanan, semoga kita tergolong dlm golongan ahli syurga.
"Ya Allah, janganlah kau berikan hisab-hisabku di tangan kiri ku"
Ahli neraka akan diberi hisab melalui tangan kirinya nanti, semoga kita terhindar dari menjadi golongan ahli neraka.
"Ya Allah, lindungilah aku dari panas terik pancaran matahari di Padang Masyar dengan Arasy Mu"
Panas di Padang Mahsyar nanti , matahari hanya sejengkal dari atas kepala
"Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa2 telinga ku ini"
Setiap hari kita ada mendengar dan terdengar org mengumpat, mengkeji dan memfitnah dan juga perkataan2 buruk dan tidak elok didengar.
"Ya Allah, permudahkanlah aku ketika meniti titian Siratul Mustaqim nanti"
Kalangan ahli syurga akan menitinya sepantas kilat nanti
"Ya Allah, bawalah aku pergi ke tempat2 yg mulia seperti masjid dan majlis ilmu, bukan ditempat2 maksiat"
kerana semua ketentuan qada dan qadar ditentukan oleh Allah jua
Marilah kita sama2 mengamalkannya semasa kita berwuduk,
hanya perlu niatkan sahaja dlm hati semasa kita berwuduk
nanti kita akan dapat rasa kepuasannya semasa berwuduk
semoga wuduk kita sempurna seperti yg disarankan dan doa2 kita itu nanti dimakbulkan Allah swt .
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Akhirat itu lebih utama
dan hidup di sana lebih lama dan kekal selamanya
Jangan sengaja lewatkan solat.
Perbuatan ini Allah tidak suka.
Kalau tertidur lain cerita.
Jangan tidur selepas solat Subuh, nanti
rezeki mahal(kerana berpagi-pagi itu membuka pintu berkat).
Jangan makan tanpa membaca BISMILLAH dan doa makan.
Nanti rezeki kita dikongsi syaitan.
Jangan keluar rumah
tanpa niat untuk membuat kebaikan.
Takut-takut kita mati dalam
Jangan biarkan mata liar di perjalanan.
Nanti hati kita gelap diselaputi dosa.
Jangan menangguh taubat bila berbuat
dosa kerana mati boleh datang
bila-bila masa.
Jangan ego untuk meminta maaf pada
ibu bapa dan sesama manusia
kalau memang kita bersalah..
Jangan mengumpat sesama rakan
taulan. Nanti rosak persahabatan kita
hilang bahagia.
Jangan lupa bergantung kepada ALLAH
dalam setiap kerja kita. Nanti kita sombong apabila berjaya.
Kalau gagal kecewa pula.
Jangan bakhil untuk bersedekah.
Sedekah itu memanjangkan umur
dan memurahkan rezeki kita.
Jangan banyak ketawa. Nanti mati jiwa.
Jangan biasakan berbohong, kerana ia adalah
ciri-ciri munafik dan
menghilangkan kasih orang kepada kita.
Jangan suka menganiaya manusia atau haiwan. Doa
makhluk yang teraniaya
cepat dimakbulkan ALLAH.
Jangan mempertikaikan kenapa ISLAM itu berkata JANGAN..
Sebab semuanya untuk keselamatan kita. ALLAH lebih tahu apa yang terbaik
untuk hamba ciptaanNya.
Rahsia Iblis
Seorang sahabat Nabi s.a.w bernama Anas b. Malik telah meriwayatkan satu hadis Nabi s.a.w yg menceritakan mengenai pertanyaan-pertanya an iblis kepada Allah s.w.t tentang banyak perkara.
1. Iblis bertanya kepada Allah s.w.t: " Ya Tuhanku! Engkau telah memberikan kepada anak Adam itu tempat tinggal, iaitu rumah untuk berzikir kepadaMu.Tunjukkanl ah kepadaku tempat kediamanku." Firman Allah s.w.t yang bermaksud: "Wahai iblis! tempat kediamanmu ialah bilik air(tandas). "
2. Iblis berkata:"Ya Tuhanku! Engkau telah memberikan kepada anak adam itu tempat mereka berkumpul (masjid,surau) , dimanakah tempat bagiku berkumpul?." Firman Allah s.w.t yg bermaksud: "Wahai iblis! tempatmu berkumpul ialah di pasar-pasar, tampat-tempat hiburan ( pusat membelibelah, kelab malam, pesta-pesta, majlis maksiat) dan sebagainya."
3. Iblis berkata lagi:"Ya Tuhanku! Engkau telah memberikan mereka anak Adam itu kitab untuk mereka membacanya. Tunjukkanlah padaku apakah bahan bacaanku?" Firman Allah s.w.t yang bermaksud:" Wahai Iblis, bahan bacaanmu ialah syair (sajak/lagu/ puisi yang melalaikan manusia dari mengingati Tuhan).
4. Iblis berkata:"Wahai Tuhanku! Engkau telah memberikan mereka cerita-cerita (kata-kata benar), apakah cerita-cerita bagiku?". Firman Allah s.w.t yang bermaksud: " cerita-cerita bagimu adalah kata-kata dusta ( bohong atau yng berkaitan dengannya)"
5. Iblis bertanya lagi: "Wahai Tuhanku! Engkau telah memberikan azan kepada anak Adam untuk mengajak atau mengumpulkan orang datang bersembahyang berjemaah, apakah azanku untuk mengumpul orang?". Firman Allah s.w.t yang bermaksud: "wahai iblis, azan untuk mu ialah seruling."
6. Tanya iblis lagi:"Ya Tuhanku! Engkau telah mengutus para utusanmu (para nabi dan rasul) kepada anak Adam, siapakah yang menjadi utusan bagiku?". Firman Allah s.w.t yang bermaksud:" Wahai iblis para utusanmu ialah terdiri dari dukun (peramal nasib), ataupun yang lebihkurang sama dengannya."
7. Kata iblis:"Ya Tuhanku! Engkau telah berikan kitab bertulis (ayat-ayat Al Quran)kepada anak Adam. Apakah tulisanbagiku? ." Firman Allah s.w.t yang bermaksud:"wahai iblis, tulisanmu adalah tulisan gincu yang palsu dibadan, (seperti gincu,tatu, tahilalat yang diada-adakan dan yang lebih kurang sama dengannya)
8. kata iblis:"Wahai Tuhanku! Engkau telah memberikankepada anak Adam itu perangkap-perangkap . Apakah perangkap bagiku?." Allah s.w.t berfirman yang bermaksud:"wahai iblis, perangkap untukmu ialah wanita-wanita. "
9. Kata iblis:"Wahai Tuhanku! Engkau telah memberikan makanan kepada anak-anak Adam (yang disebutkan namaMu), apakah makanan untukku?."Firman Allah s.w.t yang bermaksud: "wahai iblis, makanan untukmu ialah sesuatu yang tidak disebutnama Allah."
10. Kata iblis:"Wahai Tuhanku! Engkau telah memberikan minuman kepada anak-anak Adam, apakah minuman untukku?" Firman Allah s.w.t yang bermaksud:" Wahai iblis, minuman untukmu ialah sesuatu yang memabukkan dan yang tidak dimulakan denhan nama Allah."
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Suria KLCC wins ‘Favourite Shopping Complex’
One for the album ... (from left) |
Suria KLCC chief executive officer Andrew Brien received the award from Federal Territory Minister Datuk Seri Zulhasnan Abdul Rafique at a formal award ceremony held at Shangri-La Hotel Kuala Lumpur. Also present was KLTA chairman Datuk Shamsul Falak Abdul Kadir.
Brien said: "Suria KLCC is very honoured and proud to receive this award for our efforts in promoting a convenient and better shopping experience to all our valued shoppers - local as well as international.
"Our facilities are world-standard and our friendly and informed Customer Service Team is ever-ready to assist. This recognition would not have been possible without the commitment of our retail partners, shoppers and the team at Suria KLCC."
Sunday, December 28, 2008
GM puts Volt engine plant on hold
GM said it is putting the brakes on the construction of a factory in Flint, Michigan, set to make 1.4l engines for the Chevrolet Cruze and the Chevy Volt plug-in electric car.
It's just have to Volt a little longer.
It's just one more effort by GM to hold on to every penny possible as it speeds closer to the day when the 100-year-old industrial giant won't be able to pay its bills.
The company has been scaling back just about everywhere - shutting down vehicle production, ending sports sponsorships, turning off escalators and even cutting back on office supplies - to stay afloat.
GM is seeking up to US$18bil in government loans as it tries to survive the worst US auto sales environment in 26 years. It says it needs US$4bil before this year runs out.
GM board member Kent Kresa told The Associated Press last week that the company might make it into the early part of the first quarter, depending on auto sales, yet GM has several billion dollars worth of supplier payments due shortly after the first of the year, and analysts have said the company probably doesn't have the cash to pay them.
GM announced plans in Sept for the new engine plant in Flint, 50 miles northwest of Detroit, and said production would begin in 2010. But the company is delaying the purchase of big-ticket items needed to build the factory, such as structural steel, spokeswoman Sharon Basel said.
The plant's engines will extend the range of the rechargeable Volt, GM's high-profile next-generation vehicle that will be able to travel 40 miles on electricity alone. They will also power the Cruze, GM's new small car that is supposed to get around 40mpg.
Ditto the ability to Cruze around in one of these.
Basel said Volt and Cruze development will continue as scheduled and the company still plans to bring them to showrooms in 2010. The construction delay, she said, may be temporary until the company figures out its cash situation.
"Everything that involves heavy cash outlays obviously is under review," Basel said. "Our intent is to still go forward with a new facility bringing that engine to Flint."
Meanwhile, GM has held off many large expenditures, such as the steel for the Flint plant, Basel said."Those are huge cash outlays, and we don't have the cash," she said.
Basel said there is plenty of time to build the factory, install equipment and get it up and running in time to produce engines for the two new cars. The company already makes the 1.4l engine at a plant in Austria, she said, giving it another option for engines.
"We have lots of options. The construction of the new plant is not going to interrupt our plans for the Volt or Cruze," Basel said.
Work will continue as scheduled on the Lordstown, Ohio, assembly plant, which will make the Cruze starting in mid-2010, said GM spokesman Chris Lee. The company has not formally announced where the Volt will be built, although the Detroit-Hamtramck Assembly Plant was identified in the 2007 contract with the United Auto Workers. Lee said Volt production remains on schedule for later in 2010.
GM said in Sept it would invest US$370mil in the new factory, which will employ 330 hourly and salaried workers and allow the company to double its global production of smaller engines by 2011. The plant will have 300 flexible work stations that will let GM build different four-cylinder engines without retooling.
The United Auto Workers union agreed that new hires for the plant would be paid US$14 per hour, about half the wages of a current UAW worker. It also agreed to a new flexible pact with GM that lets workers do multiple jobs.
The new factory brings the prospect of more jobs to an industrial city hard hit by auto job losses. GM's nearby Flint Engine North plant closed in Aug. - AP
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Giam Say Khoon
KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 28, 2008): Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi today announced the suspension of the RM1.7 billion Eurocopter helicopter deal with the allocation to be redistributed to projects that directly benefit the people.
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for other projects and saving is very important for us now, to face an economic situation caused by the world economic crisis," he told reporters after attending a Hari Raya celebration at the Defence Ministry.
"We need to relocate the allocation for certain projects… because we cannot just borrow the money when we need it. The best thing to do is to relocate, we will do the projects that can be implemented now."
Abdullah, who is also Defence Minister, said the government had decided that only projects that will benefit the people will be given the allocation and that all ministries are required to lower their expenditure by deferring some of their projects.
"Suspending the purchase (of the helicopters) does not mean that we will stop buying any helicopters, as we will do it when the financial status allows us to do so. The Nuri (military) helicopters we have now are old and they often involved in accidents that killed not only the soldiers but also civilians. Therefore the old helicopters must be replaced," he said.
Abdullah added that a decision to replace the 28 Nuris must be made by 2011 and the government would want to make the purchase earlier if possible as new helicopters will need three years to be delivered.
He said as a result, the ministry had studied the models of helicopters to be purchased and Eurocopter was chosen in the open tender as it fulfilled the requirements and specifications set by the ministry.
He denied the helicopter deal will cost RM2.3 billion as claimed by the Opposition, saying that the price for 12 Cougar EC725 helicopters from the European firm is only around RM1.67 billion.
Asked when the government will resume the deal, Abdullah said the government will first access its financial situation.
On the scrutiny by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), which will be conducted today (Wednesday), he said since the deputy prime minister had agreed to a scrutiny by the committee, it will go on as it will also give the committee the opportunity to examine the deal with the officers involved in the purchase.
"It is a good thing for them (the PAC) to learn about the procedure used by the ministry and why the deal cost so much.
"The helicopters (are expensive as they) come with high specifications for combat, search and rescue as well as troop lifting purposes," he said.
Abdullah also explained that the Brazilian deal with Eurocopter was cheaper, which involved the purchase of 50 Super Cougar helicopters at a price
consideration of US$1.2 billion, because the helicopters bought by that country were ordinary helicopters and they did not have the same specifications like those Malaysia intended to buy.
On the allegations that the deal lacked transparency, Abdullah said it was done through tender and he did not believe that there were any irregularities.
To a question, he said the government will decide whether Eurocopter will still be given the deal when the situation allows the purchase or whether another open tender will be called. He also said the government has yet to inform Eurocopter formally of the decision to suspend the deal.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
by Y.S. Khong
THE Hyundai Coupe is a two-door sporty-looking coupe that seats up to four adults, and is an eye-catcher, especially in red. Priced at RM128k, it is one of the most affordable two-door coupes that you can get in Malaysia, and it comes with airbags, ABS and ESP (Electronic Stability Programme).
Local distributor Hyundai-Sime Darby Motors Sdn Bhd is importing only the 2.0-litre model although there is a 2.7-litre model available.
A few units of the 2.7-litre model were brought in but it seems the current distributor has decided to focus more on the 2.0 model, which is a more viable value-for-money package for the Malaysian motoring public.
In terms of looks, the Hyundai Coupe is indeed attractive and eye-pleasing.
The 2.0-litre engine is a 16-valve, four-cylinder unit with CVVT, the Hyundai equivalent of variable valve timing. It produces 143PS at 6,000rpm, and has a maximum torque of 186Nm at 4,500rpm.
This is a respectable figure insofar as 2.0-litre engines are concerned, but not one of the higher figures.
Mated to a four-speed automatic transmission that delivers power to the front wheels, the performance is adequate, but not exhilarating.
Of course, if you really like the Hyundai Coupe shape and want something better, you could always ask for the 2.7-litre model, which has 167PS from the V6 engine.
We had one test unit courtesy of Hyundai-Sime Darby Motors, and we drove it around Petaling Jaya for a couple of days to get a feel of it.
As far as the power delivery was concerned, the Hyundai Coupe does drive quite well, due to its relatively low final drive ratio of 4.407:1.
The four-speed automatic is, like all current four-speed automatics, a little short in performance, especially when it comes to the gaps in-between gears.
But gear changes are smooth enough, thanks to the excellent electronic controls.
A five-speed gearbox would be better, although it means one would probably have to pay a little more for it.
As it was, we managed a top speed of around 180kph on a short stretch of open highway before traffic conditions made it necessary to slow down.
On the road, the Hyundai Coupe is quiet enough when driven at normal road speeds of between 80kph and 120kph.
After that, the engine has to work a little harder, and under hard acceleration, the gears drop down, sometimes to second, and that is when you will notice the engine noise building up as the revolutions climb.
Due to the low ratios, the revolutions will hold right up to the red line at 6,500rpm before the gears change, unless you lift off and release the pressure in the gearbox.
Overall handling is decent, from the four-wheel independent suspension made up of MacPherson struts in the front and a multi-link arrangement at the rear.
The suspension is set to be on the firm side of comfortable, and driven in anger, the Hyundai Coupe will be able to give a reasonably good account of itself.
However, once the speed builds up, it cruises easily, and you can keep it at around 160 to 180kph the whole day if you so wish to.
Overall, the Hyundai Coupe does offer a viable option for those who want a sporty-looking yet affordable car, and are not looking for brute performance.